High speed digital video cameras for slow motion analysis

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    Buying high speed cameras and using them is relatively easy; the difficulty is in maximizing the quality of data that you can get from them, and for that you need “technical expertise”. MCT provided us with invaluable technical insights that helped us first identify the right cameras, lighting and other optical accessories, and then the right technical support for our challenging applications to get images that we could not get before... though we had used high speed cameras for years!
    https://www.mctcameras.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/fadi-abu-farha.jpg Fadi Abu-Farha Associate Professor of Automotive Engineering
    Clemson University
    I have three dual camera orders with MCT (total of six ultra-high-speed cameras). We needed the extreme camera speed to resolve combustion and detonation research for advanced propulsion and energy applications. MCT provided the perfect camera for my needs. Rick at MCT always coordinated with me to understand our needs and worked with our limits and boundary conditions at the university. Rick and MCT always came through for the three orders we have made, they have been exceptional in working with us on the camera orders. We plan to order another set from them and continue to work with them.
    https://www.mctcameras.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Kareem-Ahmed.jpg Kareem Ahmed Assistant Professor
    University of Central Florida
    MCT provided the perfect camera for my needs. Their product’s combination of speed, light sensitivity, size, and cost were too hard to pass up.
    https://www.mctcameras.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Granlund-Kenneth-500x500.jpg Kenneth Granlund Assistant Professor
    NC State University


    High speed imaging enables the user to perform detailed visual and/or digital motion analysis of machinery, projectiles, wildlife and human motions. Our cameras have been applied in a wide variety of areas including the military, industrial, research, education and broadcasting markets.


    MCT provided the perfect camera for my needs. Their product’s combination of speed, light sensitivity, size, and cost were too hard to pass up.
    https://www.mctcameras.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Granlund-Kenneth-500x500.jpg Kenneth Granlund Assistant Professor
    NC State University


    Exclusive Distributor in
    Southeast US
    Exclusive Distributor in
    Southeast US
    Exclusive Distributor in
    Southeast US
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